Saturday, September 17, 2011

What to write about...

What to write about???

So after so long away from the blog the toughest thing is getting back to writing. You know like when you haven’t called a person you went on a few dates with, kinda had a nice time, but didn’t think it was a match. You don’t wanna hurt their feelings so you put it off a day, a week, a month… and then it’s just plain impossible to play it off as a cold or a busy week at work, or the funeral of an already dead or imaginary loved one.

That’s where I have been with the blog for a while. I know I owe you something cool, really cool, but that has handcuffed me into not writing at all.

I decided to reach out to some friends and loyal readers and ask them what I should write about… the suggestions ranged from “anything” (thanks for the help) to “what about the election?” (For the love)… It is a website about running in Seattle… 

I finally sent a note to my friend Betsy and asked her… (she was just a few short hours from her first Cume(scary cumulative exam) in Chemistry PhD stuff, I do my best to learn what she is talking about and if anyone could make polymers cool and sexy it’s Betsy Buddha…  (this is not an admission that she does, but if anyone could do so it would be her). Did I mention I met Betsy some 15 years ago when she was 15, or that She went to Trav’s High School, won a state title with his sister? No? Well why would I, I mean for pity’s sake I have a blog to get to…

Anyway, Betsy suggested the following topics:
maybe something about being at worlds?
or that rain storm you ran in the other day?
or the crusade to bring back the dress?
or about chain polymerizations?
? i don't know . . .
or training to race with matt?

That was the jumpstart… write about something… So here you have it…
IAAF world championships in Daegu, South Korea… amazing event, UW grad and former track and field Husky Mike Sayenko finished 37th in Marathon.
Getting to watch American Jenny Simpson win a world title at 1500metres, INSANE!!! (I will still say I thought it was adidas athlete Morgan Uceny’s race to win and she was tripped with 500m to go.) University of Oregon Junior Matt Centrowitz Jr. won a bronze medal at 1500m and I was at the finish line 6 rows off the track. Dare I say Booyah!!!

All great experiences; watching athletes win gold medals in the uniforms I was a part of creating was cool as well. But add all of that up and still the best part of world championships was running into my friend (and 5000m finalist) Amy Hastings randomly in the streets of Daegu. Easter weekend I ran into Amy in San Diego at Whole Foods, again random. But on each occasion it was like no time had passed- she was as beautiful as ever- her smile made me feel right back where it always does… at home. It reminded me of the lesson Betsy has been re-teaching me for the last month… Friendship isn’t a constant contract always in motion and always connected.  Rather it is an eternal one, created in the hearts of those who know the secret ee Cummings wrote about in “in a few of his poems. They live and feel in a way most will never understand, they know that time and space do not define friendship… love does… So I will get back to writing and running and boring you all with my misadventures in each… But mostly I will get back to hoping I run into people like Amy and Betsy more often and in their embrace be reminded and remind them…

i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart)

1 comment:

  1. Your Heart, a dear and precious piece of the past that is reaching into the present and has promise of a continued connection. Thanks for sharing over the years and please feel free to share in your blog of course, the close call you suffered at VA in the path of a certain Barber Twin. I am also interested in your fashion hunts and helpers. Most of all I would prefer to hear the ramblings of a curious citizen of this old world we occupy until better climes come along.
